money or integrity

* let it go * let it go * let it go * let it go * let it go *

mandarine mondays 9

ongoing meditation group on Monday mornings 10:00 – 11:00 am
at my office on 337 South Beverly Drive # 101, Beverly Hills 90212
(between Olympic and Wilshire)

Looking back onto certain dilemmas,
it can seem as though we had to choose
between success or integrity.
Another way of looking at it:
learn from experiences and improve.
Take an honest look at what we have done so far.
Realize that by lying or manipulating others –
in fact we are cheating ourselves.
It is essential to take responsibility
for our actions and their consequences –
then make amends - even if it’s hard.
As long as we lack self-respect –
we feel compelled to self-sabotage.
Healing childhood shame is only possible
when we establish self-esteem
through estimable conduct.

Visual Imagery:
Imagine sitting at a deliciously fresh mountain creek
on an enchanted meadow,
having dragged along a huge bag
with the toxic waste from all your life,
taking the opportunity to bury it
in an abandoned little cellar and leave it behind…

* let it go * let it go * let it go * let it go * let it go *