
“I didn’t deserve what they did to me when I was 5,
but I took this shit and punished other people for it,
and that’s my part in it” – quote, AA speaker

As long as we are filled with toxic
self-righteous resentments,
we think that we are the helpless powerless victims,
but our spirit is tied up in the PAST
and we can’t help but VICTIMIZE OTHERS in the PRESENT.

We can identify that we have been victimized.
We can be survivors together,
share a common bond,
and find comfort in knowing that we are not alone
with this shame.
And then…
We can RELEASE the self-righteous identification
with the victim role that binds us
and HEAL.

Only then will the chain of victimization end with us.

Whatever has been done to you, grieve it,
mourn your lost innocence,
your injured sense of wholeness and confidence,
and pull your spirit back to you
as you breathe into this moment.
You might find that you’re FREE to move on,
even if it's just a little bit at a time.

“It is most important to run out of scapegoats.
No excuses will be accepted.” – quote, Sheldon Kopp